Welcome, to my lifestyle blog!
This fun space, is my creative outlet / digital scrapbook, that allows me to share the many classic Collins moments of my daily life :) Events can range anywhere from: losing my keys five times a day, downing multiple ice teas before noon, cramming for exams, working 12 hour + shifts, packing hours before my flight and lots of other chaos, but sometimes... I manage to put together the "perfect" outfit, travel to an awesome destination, throw together a fun party, nail a delish recipe or have blast with my friends! I try my best to take it all in stride, and
enjoy all of the moments in between :)

Fun Facts:
I love my family so much, they're a few of my closest friends, I am a Mountaineer and EMT ---currently working my way to grad school, I've dated Dillon since high school, I enjoy Pure Barre classes, reading, and I love being outdoors and going to sporting events, I haven't had a soda to drink since I was 17 and I am way too into reality TV ;)
~ Thanks for visiting, hope you enjoy! ~